Comes along the nightingale
39 weeks 4 days, 554 injections and a long lasting psychological war (with my older one) later I held my second baby after a very fast...

Confessions on a yoga mat
It is one of those days; an off start to the day thanks to the toddler who woke up with the worst mood as she refused to sleep until 10...

New me mommy
I came across with one of my old blog posts, which mentioned that I used to wake up at 6 a.m. for my asana practice every morning....

What to avoid in postpartum exercises
For a woman, pregnancy is one of the most wonderful experiences she can have. You turn into a total goddess; creating and nurturing life...
Breathing and beyond
Have you ever watched a baby breathing, how her abdomen slightly expands while she is inhaling deeply. Babies and young children use deep...
Ashtanga Yoga
When we hear the word “yoga” the first thing that comes to mind for most of us is the fancy poses that seem impossible to practice....
Body issues
I was shocked when I saw the recent issue of Yoga Journal. Yep, I’m talking about that once a great magazine that was writing...

Crows in the garden
My little one trying to understand the foundation of bakasana- crow pose. #bakasana #crowpose
Yoga, cats and peace
I usually wake up at 6 a.m. and start my morning asana practice. I particularly like that time of the day because that's one of the rare...